Ground work - I doubt I will do anything symetrical at this point. More along a 'blob' shape maybe three layers of MDF. Something with height, I'd like to echo the 'verticality' of the building into the base. The road surface is going to be cobbles/brick with a small sidewalk in front of the shop to extend the stone arch. Nothing is 'set' yet.....
As far as the cicatrice - I have been wrapped up in the project to closely to notice, but now that you mention it.... That big crack is a bit "off", I think some putty patching with a bit of it left open will fix that. Thanks.
Interior - not a full one, but since the window is so big you will be able to see something, so I plan on a bit. Table, shelves, chair...
The building is a really nice one to work with. There was a bit of test fitting to get all the pieces in thier right places. They have another arched road that is similar in style and a great kit too.
You know, I had not thought to turn everyones attention to one figure. Each has his own treasure they have found (it is hard to see in the quick photo and without paint). So my idea was everyone want the attention, not just the one guy. Plus I used two part epoxy on the heads
Just a weeee bit stronger than CA.
Maybe a different title - "Mines Better than Your's"
Anyway, I really do appreciate the feedback.