ICMs' new Studebaker kit.
Starting off with the nicely detailed engine.
Next step is constructing the drive train. This is mostly one large part, with smaller details added.
You can see the two different colored grays used for the parts. Fit was excellent, with only a tiny amount of filler needed on the transfer case.
Next step is building the frame, this is a pretty detailed assembly, and went together without any problems. Only a tiny amount of filler was needed on the frame, a little more on the fuel tank, spare tire holder, and bottom of running boards.
A little deviation from the instructions in order to try to keep everything is a logical sub-assembly order.
Nice door details, the handles are very small, and fragile.
I built the cargo body next, again assembly was straight forward, and I ran into no problems.
Notice the lack of ejector pins markings, there were none, only 4 spots where the body sides connect to the floor section. Be careful with the hoops during clean up, they are extremely fragile
I then started the cab, knock out pins are faint, and just a little sanding was needed to get rid of them. I didn't worry about any in the under hood area, as I plan on having the hood closed. If you plan on leaving your open, you'll need to fill a few, and add some details to the firewall. Only thing I added was some tissue to the seats.
The only tricky or troublesome seam I've had, is the one running across the interior. Since the cab interior needs to be painted before assembly, this will have to be handled after it assembled. I left out all the shifters etc at this time and will install them after the cab is completely assembled.
The dash was white glued in place, and after that dried, I glued the steering column to the dash. I'll remove this later and paint separately.
With careful forethought and fitting of parts, the frame and running gear come together with no problems, and all the hanging linkages actually all lined up.
Continued dry fitting eveyrthing together:
The sidewall details on the tires and wheels are excellent,
But I'm afraid the mold maker must have a few too many when doing the ND tread.
That's it for now.
Will post more as the paint and finishing comes up.