M103 Heavy U.S. (completed)
Wisconsin, United States
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Posted: Thursday, April 03, 2003 - 07:07 AM UTC
I have just completed the Commander Series M103 Heavy U.S. tank.
This model is a combination resin/pe/plastic kit that unfortunately I cannot recommend to others. The number of poorly formed parts, lack of parts in some instances, and casting problems around the lower suspension area of the hull, made this a long and at times, frustrating build. It should be noted the Company did respond quickly to an email request and provided gas cans, fenders, some track links etc., that were not included in the kit.
Many spares from the parts box were used to complete the kit. A build article from Military Miniatures, (thanks for the tip Zodster), was also instrumental in completing the model as the kit directions were fairly Spartan. Please note however that the turret is a beautiful casting, and the Academy supplied track links and pe parts are well done.
This model is dedicated to John Mendoza aka Jeepney who continually encouraged me to persevere on this build. Without the help of my good friend this one would be sitting back in the box, partly finished. Thanks Jeepster!!!
Please see the attached pics--helpful comments are always appreciated.
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Posted: Thursday, April 03, 2003 - 07:27 AM UTC
Looks great! That thing is a beast! The searchlight cable looks a little short, as if the cable would break if the gun depressed.
Milano, Italy
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Posted: Thursday, April 03, 2003 - 07:28 AM UTC
Steve it looks... BIG!!!
Nice beast congrats.
Impetu Hostem Perterreo
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Posted: Thursday, April 03, 2003 - 07:32 AM UTC
Mr brother,
this is awesome. you had managed to captured the sheer monsterness of this huge huige Maus, or is it an E100. Or no, I mean Da 103.
W ------- What the heck is this ?
O --------- OD ?!
W --------- Wonderful!!!!
I like the way you dry brush the dfifferent color shades on the model. the subtle weathering (Sprayed dark earth on the lower hull?

This is great work Lord WWH. I cannot think of any suggestion, except, it's not German....but other than that, excellent model!!!!!
now what's next?
P.S. It's still asexual......
Dave O'Mally aka Davidus ArwenIsMineus Pig No. 2, Da Jackel
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Posted: Thursday, April 03, 2003 - 07:38 AM UTC
Nice build - I like it very much. Sabot's got a point. I noticed the right rear track looks kincked below the drive wheel. Can you straighten that?
Nice job, and the work and perseverance was worth it.
Maine, United States
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Posted: Thursday, April 03, 2003 - 07:47 AM UTC
Very nice! Boy that thing is huge...
"Gunner-Sabot-Brightly painted, chrome laden wheeled vehicle!--Fire!"
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Posted: Thursday, April 03, 2003 - 08:08 AM UTC
Whoa! That is nice

I like the paint and drybrushing :-)
A wonderful build. Are those real lenses? How did you do those?
El Diablo Sel Von Selrach
aka Lord Glue
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Posted: Thursday, April 03, 2003 - 08:11 AM UTC
Gentlemen---thank you for the comments. I'm not very happy with the job I did on these pics. I'll wait for a sunny day and see if I can improve the quality--my apologies.
Quoted Text
The searchlight cable looks a little short, as if the cable would break if the gun depressed.
Rob---yep you're right--I missed that--- but you are absolutely correct.
Jeeze I'd like to get one completely right before I'm 6 feet under

By the way Rob, thanks for your prompt response regarding my question on light covers.
Quoted Text
I noticed the right rear track looks kincked below the drive wheel. Can you straighten that?
Scott, these are Academy indi links, so yes they are fully positionable, and can easily be adjusted.
Kencelot---thanks also for your email help regarding this model.
Florida, United States
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Posted: Thursday, April 03, 2003 - 12:36 PM UTC
Steve, that monster looks fantastic! You did a wonderful job!
A minor fix for the search cable and a little track kink will have her right on top!

Keep up the great work! :-)
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Posted: Thursday, April 03, 2003 - 12:43 PM UTC
Steve aka Da M103 Genius,
Great job you did on this one! I saw your in-progress pics and I can't begin to imagine the pain and the migraines I put you through

This goes to prove that it's the person, not the kit, that makes a great model. Now go scare the stripes off that Tiger that you were coerced into building! #:-)
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John Mendoza
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Posted: Thursday, April 03, 2003 - 02:17 PM UTC
What they said
Nice work Steve.
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Posted: Thursday, April 03, 2003 - 02:39 PM UTC
Nice work Steve...you've done a real good job of capturing the "weight" of this beast with your weathering. Having experienced the odd bit from Commanders I tip my hat to you for your perserverance.
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Wyoming, United States
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Posted: Thursday, April 03, 2003 - 04:43 PM UTC
very nice work, looks great
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Noord-Holland, Netherlands
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Posted: Thursday, April 03, 2003 - 07:31 PM UTC
Great Job on that 103 Too bad it`s modern armor and I am not an modern armor builder but what I see there is a nice tank. with a good paintjob.
I agree with steve I also like the way how you drybrushed the different colors on it
Great Job
Greetz Robert "FAUST" Blokker
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Donegal, Ireland
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Posted: Thursday, April 03, 2003 - 08:35 PM UTC
Well it all paid off in the end .......... it looks wonderful. Nice paint job and finishing. Your difficulties dont show in the end product.
IPMS Stockholm
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Posted: Thursday, April 03, 2003 - 09:15 PM UTC
best thing is to build a poor kit as a very good model and seems you did it ..congrats
Texas, United States
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Posted: Thursday, April 03, 2003 - 10:33 PM UTC
The only place I've ever seen one of those beasts was on Wilson Road in Radcliff. Never saw it with a searchlight, of course the Army wouldn't have put one on a static display. Great job on this rare tank
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Posted: Friday, April 04, 2003 - 03:19 AM UTC
Buddy, you have done a stunning job on the M103! I specially like the weathering and detailing on the kit. Hey, is this the first time you try on PE parts?
Steve, Sushi and Pig #6
Steve, Sushi and Pig #6
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Posted: Friday, April 04, 2003 - 05:28 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Are those real lenses? How did you do those?
"El Diablo Von Selster" They are not real lenses. They are lights pulled from the spares box from an M48 Tamiya kit, (I believe), painted with acryllic and weathered. Thanks.
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Never saw it with a searchlight, of course the Army wouldn't have put one on a static display
Blaster---I did a lot of snooping for references for the M103, pics, data etc, but there really isn't a lot of readily available info out there on these things. The author of the M103 build article in Military Miniatures mentioned that virtually all units had the searchlight. Based on that, one was dug out of the parts box and applied. Also please note the cast resin turret of the model included a receptacle for the light cord, so based on these two things I went with the light.
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Hey, is this the first time you try on PE parts?
Steve-O aka "Da Sushi Dude"--some pe experience, but minimal. The pe included with this kit is well done.
Thanks to all respondents for the comments.
Steve aka WeWillHold

Pennsylvania, United States
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Posted: Saturday, April 05, 2003 - 08:21 AM UTC
Great work as always.. You are the Master of Olive Drab my friend........
Just Your Everyday Average Model Builder
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Posted: Saturday, April 05, 2003 - 08:45 AM UTC
I like the texture on the turret.
Sao Paulo, Brazil
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Posted: Saturday, April 05, 2003 - 10:52 AM UTC
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Posted: Sunday, April 06, 2003 - 03:40 AM UTC
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Quoted Text
Are those real lenses? How did you do those?
"El Diablo Von Selster" They are not real lenses. They are lights pulled from the spares box from an M48 Tamiya kit, (I believe), painted with acryllic and weathered. Thanks.
The lights caught my eye after you replied here. The outer lenses should look like normal car headlights, mor of a silver shine. The inner lights are the standard infra red lenses that look like a gloss black close up. Same deal with the lower taillight lens, it should look gloss black and not white.
Too bad I didn't know you were building the M103, I have the AFV/Weapons Porfile #41 and it has several pages on this particular tank. It doesn't show a searchlight mounted, but that doesn't mean anything. It does have a photo with the T18 dozer blade attached. That looks like a cool build. The photos show at least two different track types, one is like the late M4A3E8/M26 tracks and the other looks like the M48/60/88 style tracks. It also has a photo of two 55 gallon external fuel drums attached.
Wisconsin, United States
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Posted: Sunday, April 06, 2003 - 05:46 AM UTC
Quoted Text
The outer lenses should look like normal car headlights, mor of a silver shine. The inner lights are the standard infra red lenses that look like a gloss black close up. Same deal with the lower taillight lens, it should look gloss black and not white
Rob, this is certainly an easy fix if appropriate.
However, If I'm able, I will attach a frontal pic of an on display M103 that showed lenses that looked white on the outside and a deep dark blue on the inside (I've got to snoop for the pic out on the net again).
I tried to mimic those colors on the model (and orginallly did) using a white on the outside and a dark blue on the inside but the weathering obviously changed their look i.e. the mud gave the white the color in the pic.
So I'm at the point where I'm not sure if I leave the model to "tie" to the internet pic or change to your specs. I'll find the pic and put it out here for a look see.
ps: I was guessing on the rear lights however, so those will be changed.
Wisconsin, United States
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Posted: Sunday, April 06, 2003 - 05:51 AM UTC