But before getting to the pics, I have some observations on the kit:
1.) the detailing is really nice: Not as thorough as with a PE upgrade, but first of all, there isn't one I know of. Certainly much better than with the Tamiya kits I've purchased (though in fairness, I've been re-purchasing older kits I once owned, and not their latest ones). For example, the shovel is raised off as though inserted into a holder for the blade istead of simply pasted flat to the metal.
2.) the directions are fair to good: The illustrations are detailed and easy-to-read, but there is no explanation of the parts, and occasional mis-labeling of them. Sometimes the illustrations for part-placement are ambiguous. As you can see, I still haven't attached the smaller breach level because I'm unsure where to place it.
3.) the plastic is soft: Again, in comparison to Tamiya or the Accurate Miniatures aircraft I've been building, the Dragon styrene is delicate, so I've had to go easy on the files and sanding boards.
4.) the features are well-executed: If you look at the wheel assembly (sorry for the poor photos, I'm working on my close-up, Mr. DeMille), you'll see there is a lot going on in a small space.
And thank the Lord for metal barrels, I'll never go back to plastic again.
Right now, I'm trying to figure out what kinds of latches and other leftover brass I can use to attach the shovel, pick and other tools, which seem to float magically alongside.