Thanks for all, I'm very happy for interest.
Casts will be very good, I have experience as I pour off resin from thirteen years. I guarantee satisfaction
and if anybody will be discontent then, I will return money After return of model.
Quoted Text
On this chassis also can do 2S4 240mm "Tyulpan" self-prop mortair and 2S3 "Akacja" 152mm self-prop howitzer.
I know and I have it in plan but it depends on sale. I will make four models tentatively:
Radar for Ganef, 280 mm atomic cannon "OKA", 9K52 LUNA on URAL and radar for Gainful.
If it will be sold I will built other models: Tochka, Smierch, Uragan, S-300, etc.
So, I must earn on it but for any price not. All must be satisfied, I and You.
I guarantee quality and accessible price and I will show process of creation.
I will give discount also for all members this forum, 10% off but I expect your equipment.
Photographic, documentation drawings, etc.
Best regards, Pawel.
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