Trumpeter’s kit is well molded and easy to assemble with minimal clean up and virtually no fit issues. The hull shows some great weld detail and the casting marks on the turret are really well done. The 12.7mm external machine gun is a nifty little assembly, and the tracks are the one-piece rubber band type, (springy as all get out), and they don’t hold paint worth a hoot.
I attempted to get the pre-shade look on this IS and blew it, (again). A dark application of Model Master Marine Corp Green was shot in the nooks and crannies, followed with the MM Russian Armor Green base coat. I then mixed the base coat 50-50 with Dunkelgelb and applied to the flat areas, (so far so good). However once the weathering starts the pre-shade seems to get lost and disappears. High spots are dry brushed with steel and rail brown. Vehicle markings are not applied. Overall this Trumpeter IS3M is a very good kit that I would recommend to anyone.
Some really striking things about this vehicle design include its low silhouette, the “inverted frying pan” turret, and the pointed hull front. With its 122mm main gun, this tank reflects a pretty nasty piece of machinery.
I have included some pics for your review including a picture comparing the height of the IS-3M to an M-47 that I built long ago. Quite a difference.
As always, helpful comments are appreciated.