I figured by doing away with the tank inside and making a production vehicle I had allowed myself some room for manoeuvre regarding weight and length. I also intended to build a full interior viewable through clear panels down one side of the vehicle, however time constraints and seeking information has made me forgo that option (I may return to this at a later date).

The two holes at the front top are the lights for the vehicle, I have placed LED’s inside them but they are not wired up at this time. The one on the front lower left is a fixed flame thrower, the right is the protected vision ports for the driver.

I had to overcome some of the problems that I felt the original would have suffered from, I felt that its purpose and size would have every man and his dog shooting at it so I looked at a way to include some weapons systems for offence and defence. So I included a flame thrower with a recessed fixed barrel at the front, working on the theory that after having gone through a blockade or building frontage with this vehicle that a blast from the flamethrower would only leave the dead or the insane staying in place. I also felt that in order to take advantage as quickly as possible of the breach some troops would be in order, so I included a troop carrying ability who exit the vehicle via a ramp at the rear, I also included a MG at the rear for defensive fire purposes.
I also had to overcome the problem of engine maintenance and replacement, I overcame this problem by laying a track in the rear crew compartment so that the engines could be rolled out of the vehicle down the ramp used to disembark the troops it could carry.

Please be aware that the upper and lower body are not glued in place and the interior walls have also just been held loosely in place for the purpose of obtaining pictures.