Armor/AFV: Allied - WWII
Armor and ground forces of the Allied forces during World War II.
Hosted by Darren Baker
Building Tamiya's M8 HMC
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Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 05:05 AM UTC

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Hi guys,

Thanks for the comments

James: Did you pick up the mistake in the text? I've referred to the top deflector being the one wrapping around the pintle - it should be the lower one I'll be fixing this in the text, so future readers may not see this slip-up. Am I correct in my estimation of how the upper deflector should fit?

Chas: A BEE!?!?! Bloody hell mate - check your specs! Shame on you and Noofesh for not knowing Calvin & Hobbes - it should be required reading for all youth!

Bradders: Cheers mate! Actually given the lecture I gave a colleague yesterday about using blue and green together on a slide presentation, I should have known not to use red on such a dark green I'm utterly shocked by the youth of today! Don't know C&H... what next? Don't know Dilbert?!? Spare time? What's that? LOL!


*sigh* I know this has got nothing to do with Rudi's M8, but I just want to help out on his profile pic, so all you who dont know Hobbes, click on the link below and start worshiping the strip!

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Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 09:35 AM UTC

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Did the Upper and lower hulls come together alittle easier after you fixed the upper deflector?

Hi Brian,

My brain's a bit fuzzy this morning - don't know why... It's been a while since I've worked on the deflectors, been struggling with the turret PE (mostly me, not the PE), and I actually can't remember if I've fixed it back in place - I do recall removing it with vengeance Will check this evening when I get home. I think some photos of the correction are in order

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*sigh* I know this has got nothing to do with Rudi's M8, but I just want to help out on his profile pic, so all you who dont know Hobbes, click on the link below and start worshiping the strip!

Thanks Rei.... honestly, these kids today! (gosh, I sound just like my father now )


p.s. step 5 is done, just needs to be uploaded
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England - West Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 09:56 AM UTC
Nice work Rudi. It looks a nice build so far. Good to see the problem solved.

What colour scheme you going for? Orange with black stripes?

All joking aside nice work mate

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Colorado, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 10:02 AM UTC

One word, COFFEE!! Works for me. . Hope to see the pix's soon.
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Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 12:42 PM UTC

For the last few days I've been struggling with 2 pairs of ammunition clamps, which per Tamiya and Eduard, hold 2 rounds of ammunition below the turret roof. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find any references to these. So I decided to merely fit the clamps (after breaking 1) sans rounds.

This has really been bugging me though, so I decided to see if Mike Bedard's build of the TMD kit could shed any light. Alas it does... the so called ammo clamps shouldn't hold 2 rounds of ammo, but rather 2 carbines Perhaps the rounds were held there in an early or test version of the HMC, but I can't find evidence of this - it appears to me that both companies got this very wrong.

So before I post Step 5, I'll correct this. But now I'm off to see if I can pick up Tamiya's US Infantry weapon set. We are not amused

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Colorado, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 12:58 PM UTC

Turret roof? MHC open top? Are talking side of turret? Me confused.

Doesn't take much . Looks like I need more coffee too.

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Posted: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 01:14 PM UTC
sorry to hear you've encountered some problems in the build Rudi, i'm sure you'll over come it. started updating tamiya's old M5 stuart the other day, replaced the running gear with AFV Club's then started the PE work with eduards set, only to find it isn't as comprehensive as the M8's exterior set, so i'm gonna send off for another M8 exterior, also coz i've managed to lose two of the tie down clasps off the rear deck to the carpet monster! why is it that AM PE companies never give you any spares over just incase this happens. ah well never mind hey i'll just put it to one side and crack on one of the many un-finished builds i've got keep up the good work mate. Ant
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Posted: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 01:37 PM UTC

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Turret roof? MHC open top? Are talking side of turret?

Hi Brian,

Yup, there's a small section to the rear of the turret that is enclosed - where the .50cal is fitted. I've picked up Tamiya's US infantry weapon set. I'd hoped to find a recent DML set, or Gen2 kit but the LHS I went to didn't have any in stock - and I was too lazy, hot and bothered to walk another half km on the odd chance that another store has anything suitable

Hi Ant,

That carpet monster is a bugger. You should start a blog of your build Would be interesting to read - I still reckon these old Tamiya kits are fun (and frustrating in a good way) to build - particularly if learning new techniques


p.s. I see this thread has had of 4000 hits - impressive, and I hope most find it interesting and helpful. Please feel free to comment, good or bad
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Colorado, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 02:03 PM UTC

I think I know the area in question, I'll have to look on mine, but I think radios went back there.
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Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 02:33 PM UTC
Hi Brian,

Wasn't the radio fitted inside the lower hull/fighting compartment? IIRC it's fitted to the right sponson?

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Colorado, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 03:03 PM UTC

Not sure.
I was under the impression that the radios were fitted in the same area as the M5 in the rear of the turret. But, again the open top, now that is in question.

I'll see what I can dig up.
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Posted: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 04:10 PM UTC
i'll take you up on that offer Rudi once the home pc is repaired should be done sometime next week then i'll upload some pics, will probably have to wait for the PE set to come but other than that no problems. watch this space. Ant
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Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 06:13 PM UTC

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I was under the impression that the radios were fitted in the same area as the M5 in the rear of the turret. But, again the open top, now that is in question.

Hi Brian,

Nope, definitely in the vehicle itself. Also just checked, it appears I decided to leave the deflector off until later. Wish I could remember why....

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Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 06:15 PM UTC

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i'll take you up on that offer Rudi once the home pc is repaired should be done sometime next week then i'll upload some pics, will probably have to wait for the PE set to come but other than that no problems. watch this space. Ant

Looking forward to it, Ant
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Colorado, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - 02:02 AM UTC

Checked last night on radios, you're right. Looks like they were placed in the rear on either side of the Fire Extig. in the hull. Kit has ammo racks in those areas. M8 HMC carried either the SCR-510 or the SCR-210.
You may have alright beat me to the info. on the radios used.


Pix of the Aberdeen M8 HMC. Those are the only close ups I could dig up.

I'll go away now.
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Posted: Thursday, March 12, 2009 - 12:37 AM UTC
Sorry for my absence on the thread Rudi, hopefully I can help out with a couple of things:

Quoted Text

James: Did you pick up the mistake in the text? I've referred to the top deflector being the one wrapping around the pintle - it should be the lower one I'll be fixing this in the text, so future readers may not see this slip-up. Am I correct in my estimation of how the upper deflector should fit?

No I missed it, but you are of course correct. However, you should really be using the version with the towing pintle, as due to lack of room inside the vehicle itself an ammunition trailer of rounds was usually towed behind the M8.
You have the upper deflector bang on where it should go.

Quoted Text


For the last few days I've been struggling with 2 pairs of ammunition clamps, which per Tamiya and Eduard, hold 2 rounds of ammunition below the turret roof. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find any references to these. So I decided to merely fit the clamps (after breaking 1) sans rounds.

This has really been bugging me though, so I decided to see if Mike Bedard's build of the TMD kit could shed any light. Alas it does... the so called ammo clamps shouldn't hold 2 rounds of ammo, but rather 2 carbines Perhaps the rounds were held there in an early or test version of the HMC, but I can't find evidence of this - it appears to me that both companies got this very wrong.

So before I post Step 5, I'll correct this. But now I'm off to see if I can pick up Tamiya's US Infantry weapon set. We are not amused


I'm inclined to beleive Tank Worshops research over Tamiya and go for the Carbines. Tamiyas research in the past tended to be turning up at APG and copying whatever they saw warts and all, which along with making their kits motorized caused all the accuracy issues these kits have.

The Eduard PE clamps are litlle b*&&*£s, I assembled 1 and found it didn't fit the carbines, so not sure what they are playing at. I'll be making my own clamps or tie-downs for the carbines me-thinks.

As for the radio, it seems to have been cleared up, but it was kept in the lower hull, as can be seen on my build below. I don't think the rear turret overhang would have provided enough protection from the European weather, plus it would simply have been in the way of the 75mm breach and the .50cal mounting.

Taking of this I suggest you source a different .50cal to the kit peice as its a pretty poor rendition. I'm using the excellent academy US machine gun set, though a later Tamiya or DML offering would also be a good improvement!

Hope to see some more progress soon, you can catch me up while i'm working on another project! Saying that I did post an update today.

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California, United States
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Posted: Friday, December 16, 2011 - 03:54 PM UTC
Since I have a Tamiya M8 just about ready to start, I was following this thread with bated breath. THEN, you just stop. Did you finish this build or give up on it. Did you break your build into two posts and show the rest later? Please let me see the rest of this!!!! Help!!!
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Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Sunday, December 18, 2011 - 11:08 AM UTC
Hi Arthur,

The build has been delayed due to a number of factors including moving house, birth of a child, new client at work, focus on career, starting to fence epee competively and just life in general. Actually I have little time for else these days - barely time to visit here, let alone model :-D

Good luck with your build.
