Darryl, thank you for the kind works. I am sorry the paint job was delayed so long.
vanhall, your post disappeared but I will definitely add the bolts at the top of the skirt brackets.

I finally installed the gun shield over the gun and added many small fittings to match the prototype. It was necessary to make new struts running from the sides of the DML breech to the Voyager shield as the kit parts did not fit.

Since taking these pictures I primed all the parts, mixed up a new (for me) shade of panzer yellow, and painted the gun. Unfortunately, some hairs and dust contaminated the gun and a few fill spots needed work so I am correcting those problems.
For the panzer yellow, I used Model Master Panzer Dunklegelb mixed 4 to 1 with Model Master Armor Sand, added some thinner in about a 70 to 30 ratio to get half a bottle of paint, then added 5 drops of Testors Gloss Red. I am pretty happy with the resulting color and hope it looks right after weathering. I note the mixture now, before I forget, but readers must wait for the next round of pictures to see it.
The locking mechanism at the the end of the trailing arms, as represented in the kit, looks rather poor. This may indicate a variation in guns or an omission. The Voyager set includes parts for this locking mechanism but getting them to fit was somewhat difficult.