Well here is the beginning of my submission:

Perhaps you already can tell what i've got planned....
This is a complete "what if" and is a stretch of the imagination. It's a break from the regular grind of modelling and making everything historically accurate. I just needed a break and my imagination came up with this:
1944, the Germans have stopped Market Garden in its tracks. Allied vehicles litter the roadside for miles out of Nijmegen, Arnhem, and Eindhoven. German recovery vehicles bring in their own disabled vehicles including one knocked out Tiger, who took a round into the engine. A mechanic, Heinz, notices the turret, gun, and associated parts are still in good order. As he climbs out of the tank, a captured Sherman is driven by, its cannon bent and twisted as a freak round struck it. Then, an idea pops in his head as he hops off the Tiger, he calls a few other mechanics over and during the ensuing few days, secretly work on their own small project, hoping to get the feared 88mm gun back into service as quickly as possible. This is what they came up with: the M4(A) Beutepanzer mit Tiger Turm. (this name I can not take credit for, it was given to me by Scratchmod)

The hatches are welded shut. The only reason for this was the fact that they would not have been able to been opened as the front of the turret sits on them. I guess the driver and radio op. are going to have to get in through the turret.

OVM tool locating holes are filled with tamiya white putty.
a look at the turret for fitment...

P.S. Anyone need a Sherman 105 turret? I'll trade for an Academy Turret...