Has been a while since posting any works, so here is a quick abridged version of a build I am currently immersed in...
It is the DML M4 (75mm Normandy) kit 6511.
I won't go into the pros and cons here, but just want to get some progress photos out of my sand bagged glacis plate. It is representing a 3AD tank along the Siegfried line circa August 1944.
I'll start with the product used... As per my normal sculpting, I used Magic Sculpt

The near completed tank kit, and the rolled out putty sausage (50/50 mix)

The trick is to not have too big (or small) bags and I kept scale and consistency with a steel ruler and a scale figure. This figure is from S&T and is on the shorter side in 1/35 scale. (I highly recommend this figure; excellent sculpt details)

The putty segments. The flattened off ends are a by-product of the #11 blade being pressed into the putty and is a desired result to get a good shape.

The positioning of the bags onto the tank. The trick here is to imagine they are weighted at full size and to place them accordingly, so as they would 'mesh' together and stay put. Some detailing was done when in place, by adding some seams on the bags and some light surface texture which was actually my own finger prints...

Further additions...

This particular tank is roughly based on a well-known photo and does not show any lumber/timber plank support across the transmission housing and I followed suit.
Thoughts/queries/critiques welcomed
