Miniart German Civilians
Dublin, Ireland
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Posted: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 - 08:18 AM UTC
MiniArt Limited have sent us images of their latest work in progress- A set of German Civilians.
Link to ItemIf you have comments or questions please post them here.
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Pennsylvania, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 - 08:32 AM UTC

Very cool!
I hope this isn't a hoax like the April fools joke a couple of years ago on this site..."The Leni Reifenstahl Olympics caper".
Maybe we'll see more of this..French, Russian,Italian, etc. Some Russian Partisans would be welcome, too.
Thanks for the heads up.
What a long strange trip it's been!
Utah, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 - 08:46 AM UTC
They look nice and very useful. Does the soldier's hand position count as pointing?
Great nations do not fall because of external aggression; they first erode and decay inwardly, so that, like rotten fruit, they fall of themselves. The strength of a country is the sum total of the moral strength of the individuals in that country.

Pennsylvania, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 - 09:02 AM UTC
Quoted Text
They look nice and very useful. Does the soldier's hand position count as pointing?
I believe the soldier is actually a policeman and he probably wants to rummage around in the old woman's purse or he's asking the young woman to dance to "Come on Eileen" or some other futuristic 80's new wave music that won't be invented for another 40 years. Either way he's definitely not pointing!
Seriously..these will go well with the Bronco Opel that's just been announced. Other than the Hitler Youth and the policeman these could be civilians from any western nation. I think this is a very welcome offering from Mini Art.
What a long strange trip it's been!
Florida, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 - 09:09 AM UTC
Yeah, the uniformed adult is a cop. German police were traditionally clad in green rather than blue (when Himmler drafted cops to form the Polizei Division, they were allowed to wear a green rather than field gray uniform, at least initially). The optional hat is also clearly a police cap.
Wisconsin, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 - 09:54 AM UTC
WHOPEEE !!! Thank you MiniArt !!! Please keep the civ vies coming !
On the bench :
A whole bunch of figures, Too many half built kits and a (gasp) wing thing
Rhone, France
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Posted: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 - 10:02 AM UTC
I think the feldpolizei man asking for an Ausweiss or a soldbuch.
Great looking set indeed, lots of conversion posibilities.
ConsigliereFlorida, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 - 10:12 AM UTC
I think it's great to see this set of mostly civilians. It's nice to see a company releasing something other than the usual subjects. They certainly will go good with not only the Broncos' Opel, but also with Tamyias' Citroen.
Hopefully we'll see future sets of civilians by Miniart, and other plastic figure manufactures.
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California, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 - 12:45 PM UTC
I'd like to a set from each of the major players (UK, France, USA, USSR, Japan, China, etc)
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England - East Anglia, United Kingdom
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Posted: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 - 12:56 PM UTC
I rarely comment on the latest figure releases because most, although nice looking dont interest me, but these deserve a response-Fantastic!! One of the best and most imaginative figure sets ive seen, I just have to have them.
'As all else failed we raised our fists and weapons,
Not born as soldiers, but driven to the end'
Florida, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 - 02:07 PM UTC
It is nice to see that civilian figures are starting to become availabe. Some are even controversial. Hope they come out with many more different civilians as most of us are probably ready to jump off the bridge if we see one more German soldier either pointing or holding a cigarette. We really are just about German soldiered to death. Please give us some variety.
United Kingdom
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Posted: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 - 06:26 PM UTC
Great addition.
Just one thing. Is it just me or does the guy in the suit have a passing resemblance to Adolf Hitler when seen in civilian clothes and wearing a hat from photos and film footage of the 1930's?
United Kingdom
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Posted: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 - 07:12 PM UTC
the more I look at it the more it seems to me the civilian in the suit and the women next to him could be modelled on an image of Adolf and Eva together
As I said a passing resemblance not identical
Singapore / 新加坡
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Posted: Thursday, August 20, 2009 - 02:23 AM UTC
GOOD JOB, Miniart

!!!!! I'll definitely be looking forward to when the item is finally released on the market

ConsigliereFlorida, United States
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Posted: Thursday, August 20, 2009 - 07:40 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Great addition.
Just one thing. Is it just me or does the guy in the suit have a passing resemblance to Adolf Hitler when seen in civilian clothes and wearing a hat from photos and film footage of the 1930's?
My first thought was ----hey he looks like 'dolphie.
Quoted Text
We really are just about German soldiered to death. Please give us some variety.

Well that's not going to make friends, but I do agree with you!
Character is what you do when no one is looking.
Few things are harder to put up with than a good example.- Mark Twain
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Illinois, United States
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Posted: Thursday, August 20, 2009 - 08:07 AM UTC
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Great addition.
Just one thing. Is it just me or does the guy in the suit have a passing resemblance to Adolf Hitler when seen in civilian clothes and wearing a hat from photos and film footage of the 1930's?
That was in fact a typical mustache type in that era. Remember the old Guiness ad with the zookeepers and the seals?
Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Thursday, August 20, 2009 - 08:25 AM UTC
well,wether the fellow in the suit is in fact modelled after a mass murderer or not, its still one SHARP suit hes got on!
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Posted: Thursday, August 20, 2009 - 09:17 AM UTC
I'm thinking of creating a dio that involves Solidarity in Poland in the 80's, and the hardest thing to find is Quality 1/35 figures that meet that time period. The old lady and the gentleman may just work.
Illinois, United States
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Posted: Thursday, August 20, 2009 - 01:52 PM UTC
MiniArt and MasterBox have been giving us absolutely great subjects of late. This is certainly an example of a trend I hope continues for a long time. Every kit is a vignette/diorama in waiting.
Wojewodztwo Podkarpackie, Poland
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Posted: Thursday, August 20, 2009 - 07:56 PM UTC
Quoted Text
I'm thinking of creating a dio that involves Solidarity in Poland in the 80's, and the hardest thing to find is Quality 1/35 figures that meet that time period. The old lady and the gentleman may just work.
The Old Lady - yes, but the Gentleman looks much to fancy for that time period in Poland (IMO). The hat is totally out of Solidarity era. I'd hold to blue-jeans or fabric trousers and sweater with leather pathes on elbows with flanell shirts under it... This is how I remember it...

Concerning the kit - why so late and why so few figures? MiniArt - WE WANT MORE!

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Posted: Friday, August 21, 2009 - 11:19 PM UTC
Personally I think the young lady and the civillian man are uninteresting in concept while the policeman can hold his own he does not inspire me although to be absolutely fair, there certainly is enough in the way of character there. The true strength to me at least in this set is the elderly woman and the young boy, and in particular the elderly woman. Of course I am hoping the actual figures shadow the box art and if this is indeed the case then these two figures alone are reason enough to buy this set. In part I am happy to say well done Mini Art, this is yet another step in the right direction.
Dublin, Ireland
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Posted: Saturday, August 22, 2009 - 05:03 AM UTC
Well I like the whole set and it strikes me that a very good dio or vignette could be built with the inclusion of one more figure- the poor sap being stopped and asked for his papers. The woman looks glad the police are doing there job, the man is glad it's not him being stopped, the old lady is thinking "he look like such an innocent chap" and the Hitler Youth is thinking "When I grow up I want to be a policeman"
Maybe have this guy from MK35 being stopped:
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England - North West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Saturday, August 22, 2009 - 08:54 AM UTC
Got a few ideas myself Pat I was thinking on similar lines regarding the guy reaching for his papers just the man in the MB checkpoint set, could have the guy in the suit with one of the alsatians from the same set (the man himself with blondie) the hitler youth reaching down to one of the dogs the options are endless looking forward to this release.
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Florida, United States
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Posted: Sunday, August 23, 2009 - 12:14 PM UTC
These are great......can't wait to get some. Civilians are just as much a part of the war zone as the soldiers are. To have them ,gives us some realistic opportunities to portray the reality that we strive for in this hobby. Some of you guys out there put me to shame but I am pretty darn good at it too. What I have been doing , with some pretty good success ,is molding my own civilian figures from parts and pieces of ones that I bought . They come out great and although a lot of attempts end up in the trash some of them come out very crisp and detailed. You can mix various parts and pieces and end up with several combinations with only three or four original figures. It's a lot less work just to go and buy them , but the molding thing I do is a lot of challenging fun sort of speak. Hopefully they will come out with a lot more civilians. The Hitler youth kid is a brainwashed kid who thinks he is a part of the master race. A bunch who would run you over with their tanks if you got in their way. If this offends anyone all you have to do is take a sharp razor knife and cut out the accesories on him that make him militaristic and then you will just end up with a kid in short pants .............ya?????
Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium
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Posted: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 - 02:31 AM UTC
I have a book with war stories that has a picture with the old woman on the cover. So defenitely based on a picture.
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