Wow! This campaign has really taken off! Thanks fort he enthusiasm guys!!
Jeremy: The tick box is just a symbol added in Excel. You can post a pic of just the kit ort he kit with the goodies. The idea is to see that you haven’t started yet.
Ed: Good to see a KV-2! Nice progress, you might just be the first finisher…
Michael: Looking forwart to your M4A1, one can never have enough Shermies...
Zon: Though not a German modeller, I’ve always had a soft spot for the Pz III variants. The campaign gallery is for the final pics only. The others just have to be posted in this thread.
John: Looking forward to see the AFV-Club kit compared to the Tamiya example. Nice progress so far. Looks more like 1/35 detail wise. Are you happy with the Zimm?
Lu: Thanks for holding the fort in my absence. Looking forward to seeing your skills!
Leo: From the way you describe it you plan on tearing the old kit mostly apart and rebuild it? If that’s the case I think we should let it through. What does everyone else think? Why don’t you post a pic of everything and we’ll see.
Bob : No problem, as long as there is no glue on it yet, why don’t you take a pic of it as of now and we’ll let it count. On the other hand, any excuse to get another kit, right?
Anthony: This is turning to be a StuG III campaign within the campaign...
Greg: Nice progress! Welcome to the allied side of the campaign. The M8 is just a cool looking vehicle. How will you make sure everyone will know the crew is German in US uniforms and not just US?
Allan: Allan, nice choice. Definitely something different. This is a white metal kit, right?
Bud: Am I assuming correctly, that these will go in a dio?
Marc: Good to see something modern as well. Are there any modern figures available?
For those who haven’t signed up yet (Jose Luis Lopez, Rebuilda, wunwinglow), sign up is here:
campaign page The updated list should follow shortly.