Bill, C5flies (James) PMed me about moving my build into this forum. I replied that I had no objection to the move so we'll see what happens. As for your post in the other forum about the smoke discharger undersides, the kit ones are pretty good. They've got the little angled supports and I seriously wonder if any more detailing will be visible. Red arrow points to them.
James It is good t see your build here and I hope I didn't drag you away from where you wanted to be. I see what you mean about the tiny smoke poppers, it's that I found the photo and thought of your current (and my future) build, I can't resist these little details. Regards Bill
I see what you mean about the tiny smoke poppers, it's that I found the photo and thought of your current (and my future) build, I can't resist these little details.
Bill, to you they may be "tiny" details but in my scale they are bordering on microscopic. The pictures of the dischargers was taken with a X2 tele-convertor and the pennies look about the size of a dollar coin on my screen so you can imagine the true to life size. You might also see that the moulding detail on this kit is very good considering the scale.