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Al McNeilly must be wetting himself, LOL!
To paraphrase Billy Crystal, "They look FABULOUS, Dahling!"
You Allied modelers can stop bellyaching about German kit sets.

- the more generic type are my preference Bill, but I am sure these will be welcome by many. Some more British troops not drinking tea, more good thoughts from MB.
OK Observations:
The infantrymen with rifles should be carrying the SMLE and the long No 1 bayonet fixed.

not the No 4 rifle.
The period of time of time 1941 - 1943 gives a lot of options and the order of dress would be dependent on the season.
The Officer however, is very likely to be wearing a helmet, particularly in an attack. The Chap with the .45 Thompson would have normal webbing/ammo pouches etc.
For attaching troops they are bent suitably low, although if you have ever tried to cover ground quickly bent that low it is exhausting so I am assuming these chaps are pretty much on top of the enemy, the use of a pistol would indicate that.
I doubt if you could fire a SMLE on the run like that with any accuracy but perhaps Pat could say, so I think the pose of that figure needs thinking about.
If they are close enough for pistol shot then the Bren gunner would be firing from waist height as would the chap with the Thompson.
I'm not 100% sure what the thinking is on this set. It is a little close to the DML 8th Army set and the mix of carrying and firing their weapons a little off I think.
These are 3 'posed' pictures of troops attacking for reference only:

but they give a good idea of how troops carry their weapons if you running across open ground.
These chaps to me look much closer, therefore there weapons should all be at the ready, and the chap firing the rifle would either shoot from the hip or pause to actually hit what he was aming at. The Bren gunner would most certainly be firing his weapon.
If on the other hand they are some way away then the rifles would be at the port and the Officer most likely waving them forward with is pistol in the air.
The time period would also allow for long trousers and alternative heads, perhaps a set of Australian ones?
There are the makings of another useful set of troops here but at what point in the battle they are actually at needs more clarity.
These are just my initial thoughts, but it is certainly grand that more 8th Army may be coming along.