Humber Pig
Landrover VPK (Piglet)
Hi guys
I'm currently converting a 1/35th Accurate Armour Saxon APC into a Saxon Patrol variant as used by the British Army in Northern Ireland during the latter part of "The Troubles".
This is going to be an early British Army variant which replaced the Humber Pig in Service in Belfast in the early 90's. I'll be building it without the Riot Shield "wings" and in the early color scheme of overall green (without red bits). The finished vehicle will be as close as possible to the three similar photos of the plain vehicles seen below.

The photos of the model as it stands now show where I have made the conversion (white areas). I havent yet glued the hulls together as I wish to detail the interior more first. I'll be "filling" and painting the exterior after I finish the inside. I also have to add some additional bits along with the doors, hatches and the clear plastic perspex along the top at the back of the APC where the soldiers usually stand on patrols.
I'd be curious to confirm what color is the green seen in the earlier photos. Im thinking its the standard British Army Green and that the lighting or camera used for these shots just was'nt great)
As the kitmaker site in not fuctioning properly at the moment (see notice on site) I've been forced to use photobucket site so I hope the photos turn out ok here. I have more reference material but pictures of these vehicles in their N.Ireland livery are hard enough to come by so any additional photos along with comments would be very welcome (good or bad)

I'll update and post more photos when I can guys, thanks