It has been a while since I've been here on Armorama.
For the past 3 years I've been distracted from wheels and tracks and have been engaged in other modelling projects.
I've decided to come back to the fold and post my latest creation. I spent just a few hours here and there over a 7 week period toying around with this small diorama. I had little spare time and it was a quick build but I must admit it was great fun!
In sticking with the theme of my last few build blogs I had a niggling itch to complete a project I'd started back in 2010.
To produce a late Armored Landrover Series III as used in N.Ireland by the British Army, affectionately known to Squaddies as the "Piglet".
When I returned to my Piglet project this year, I had been doing research on & off for almost for 3 years.
Now I'm bursting with ideas for more armored Landrover model builds so I hope to contribute more build blogs here in the future, including completing the blog from 2010.
I called this Diorama "A Rainy Day in Belfast"
The dio is circa 1978 and based on a photo of a genuine vehicle.
This Landrover is an early Makrolon Armoured vehicle otherwise known as a LANDROVER SERIES III VPK (Vehicle Protection Kit),
This vehicle has been stripped down. There are no doors as I can only assume it was used by Royal Marines or Para's at some point, this being a signature trait of theirs at the time.
The Landy is fitted with a Macrolon VPK kit. This features Armour plating fitted to critical points of the vehicle to reduce exposure and limit the damage inflicted by small and medium sized caliber rounds.
The Armour also provided limited protection from indirect IED blasts which by the mid 1970's was taking a heavy toll on the British Army in Ulster.
Most of the time the vehicle was utilized for Urban and rural Patrols but was no stranger to finding itself in the middle of savage rioting on a weekly if not daily basis.
This Landy is an early fitted VPK variant. The panels being crudely cut by maintenance teams in a hurry prior to deployment. This VPK kit is missing the underside panels and is fitted with the early roof rear door design
Later VPK's which I might add are true "Piglets" were factory fitted with HV VPK Kits (High Velocity Vehicle Protection Kits) and had heavy armored Doors and Windshield.
Later models were very heavy spec vehicles but both VPK and HV VPK Piglets survived in Service as late as the 1990's.
What makes this particular Landrover VPK all the more interesting is that it is fitted with a Claribel Radar.
These are the small boxes which protrude from the vehicle on each side including the roof. The radar "computer" was operated and mounted in the rear of the Landrover.
Claribel was intended for use in detecting a round being fired and being able to confirm its source.
In rural trials the radar appeared quite effective but in an urban setting mounted on moving vehicles the system was a complete and utter failure. (In Europe Denmark and The Netherlands also operated a similar Claribel System)
Only a handful of "Piglets" were ever fitted with this radar and crews were very rarely trained efficiently in its use. I can only assume from this Piglets condition in the photo that it was used very frequently instead as a quick reaction vehicle or even as a standard patrol vehicle due to the pressures on logistics during the period.
The Landrover is the older Testors/Italeri Kit with the Left Hand Drive cab. I reversed this and added Resin Seats.
The Engine bonnet is covered in a sheet of wire mesh similar in appearance to the genuine article, I couldn't believe my luck finding and sourcing the sheet from a shed producer in the UK.
The Wing Cover ("Mud Guards") Armour Plates, Side & Rear Panels, entire Roof section, interior, Rear Doors are all scratch built from plastic card.
Also scratched are the wire cutters, roof hatch, windshield mesh protection, Ariel, registration plates, Claribel sensors, Claribel radar instrument, clansman radio and mount.
The soldiers are a mish mash of figure parts put together and reworked. Flak Jackets are Scultped along with the Officers ponchos. I used Hornet Heads and scratched the clear face shields using small sections cut from zip lock bags. I also scratched the Riot Gun, the 3 Long Plastic Shields and the soldiers baton. I finished the figures with nice Mouse House SLR's
I hope you enjoyed the post.
All comments welcomed, good or bad and I'll try answer any questions too.
For anyone interested in my other N.Ireland "The Troubles" builds here are a few links
British Army Saxon APC in Northern Ireland
British Army Humber Pig in Northern Ireland