First I would like to thank everyone for their feedback. It helps to get other points of view.
I have toned it down some but not too much as there are more steps to follow. I think that the pictures do give a feel as being abandoned for many years due to a lack of any superficial scratches (scratched paint), bare metal shining through, and even more so, due to the absence of any mud and dirt. Much of the rust showing will be covered up with these following steps. Don't worry though, I know not to use bright silver.
I did lose the rust on the bow gun port (and I really liked how that came out too) and some of the bigger spots. I don’t think it quite has the abandoned feel to it as it did and should pull together nicely now.
Thanks for the comments on the camo. I used a Badger 155, my new personal favorite after fighting an Aztek for so many years.
I will post more pictures as things develop back on my regular build thread. again to one and all,
Bronze four out.