Landrover VPK (Piglet)
HI everyone
I'm starting my second Build Log in relation to Police and Military vehicles used during "The Troubles" in Northern Ireland.
Following on from my Saxon APC build (which I'm waiting to finish at time of writing but delayed by items in the post), this time I'll be building the infamous Humber FV1611 APC or as it is better known the Humber Pig!
The rapidly deteriorating situation in Northern Ireland during the late 1960's required a vehicle that could carry troops and police safely through areas where they could be exposed to hostile crowds throwing missiles or terrorist attack. The Pig was the ideal vehicle for the security role: It was small and manoeuvrable, therefore not so politically embarrassing. Had larger or tracked vehicles (like the FV 432) the British Government would have been accused of ‘sending in the tanks’.
Some 500 ‘pigs’ were brought back into service, some being bought back from abroad. Throughout their new career, the pigs have been modified to meet the new challenges that faced them. Faced with the Terrorist used of steel core AP bullets, the Pigs were modified with extra armour. A tail-board was added to stop bullets striking the feet of troops disembarking or sheltering behind the vehicle. Bull bars were added to the front, to push through barricades. The side stowage boxes were usually removed to prevent incendiaries and devices being placed inside. The versatile Pig proved relatively easy to adapt to its new role.
Numerous modifications were made to the basic Pig. There were ambulance and EOD (Explosive Ordinance Demolition) versions. The riot controlled version, the ‘Flying Pig’ has large mesh screens that fold out from the sides of the vehicle from just behind the front doors. The screens open forward to form a makeshift wall. Another version the ‘Kremlin Pig’ was covered with wire mesh as protection from RPG 7 rounds. One with a Perspex screen mounted on top for an observer was called the ‘Holy Pig’, due to the screen’s similarity to a pulpit. Along the border with Southern Ireland (Bandit Country), Pigs were modified with roof-mounted turrets from Shorland armoured cars. Others were modified with rear water tanks fitted in the passenger compartment for a water cannon. (sloppy Jalopy website)
The Humber Pig was not retired from service in N.Ireland until the late 1990's by the Saxon Patrol
I'm going to build a "Flying" Pig from the mid 1980's onwards (see photos below). I'll use the Accurate Armour Humber Pig Kit as a base but as its the standard armoured version I'll have to convert it somwhat to modify it into a Flying Pig in Northern Ireland.

I started today by putting a new flooring into the Pig and detailing the the drivers pedals with the same lentel PE sheet as the rear. I scratch built new benches for the rear and gave the rear compartment a new ceiling. I've also added seat belts to the rear compartment using masking tape and some sapre PE I had in my stash.
Here's my photos so far;

Any comment welcome, good or bad! (no political rants please)

I'll post more tommorow guys