Hey all, As usual... here I am last minute.
This was a fun campaign... at least until today.

The TK-3 is on its 3rd MG barrel and 2nd AA mount. That's because I'm too stupid to roll my sleeves up after the first time and also too stupid to tile my office preferring to leave that lovely, plush and now well-equipped carpet under my table.

I can't find my Milliput that I bought just to make their gloves with and have a sneaking suspicion that it's now an unusual sculpture stuck to the carpet under my Daughters bed or a plug in the stock of my sons Airsoft gun. Allowances vill be shtopped until it ist vound!

Once again I ran into my 2 buddies: Lack O'planning (he's Irish) and Paral ysis ByAnalysis (he's Greek I think). After these guys showed up I knew I had to call it finished and quick. They are the reason I have so many unfinished kits.

All-in-all though, it turned into a huge learning experience so that's a good thing.
Thanks for taking it over and finishing with me Tom, and Gary, thanks for the extension. I needed it as usual.
Nice job everybody! I think the completion percentage should be relatively high.