Man, you guys keep speeding ahead...
O.k., deal me in, up the blinds:

I accidentally started my jumbo due to scraping at it for 'having a look' after breakfast on Saturday.
Doesn't look like much but here's how i got there:

Had to graft in some strip here and there to achieve a nice clean form. But that's probably my fault as i maybe removed to much material. I'm a novice to anything bigger than resin bang seats...
But let me tell you this: the fit is purely delighting, take a looksee:

As you can see by the scalpelblade comparison: awesome! This is resin!! Have some of our beloved Injectors do that!
Well, I'm planning on doing a build review feature, so I got mor pics if desired.
Still, got to solve the marking problem. It's a 75mm, too. So no ''Hanks Tank Aquino'