Break time over,are you ready to get back to work?
Added some components to the rear plate and I also bent up a few more PE goodies. Not knowing anything about the M7 or Shermans for that matter,That ammo locker may or may not be suitable for this series M7. The kit has a shelf and a drawer part that fits up in the right hand forward corner of the casement but i've also seen pictures with this type of ammo storage box in about the same position. Can anyone of you Sherman gurus throw some light on the subject???

The two items to the left of the ammo box is suppose to be canvas bags for the crew to store the M-1 carbines or tommy guns in. There are 5 of them,two on the right side side wall and three on the left but they look too big for scale to me.
That's the seat for the right side under the 50 cal,seat belt and all up there on the corner of the engine deck,there's another for the left side too.
More PE built up and put to good use.

The kit has PE engine deck screens but I used the Eduard screens because they have a little better detail. The PE grouser storage frames give you more options to play with as the kit frames and grousers are molded as a single unit.
The mg pulpit and 50 cal added along with the headlights, siren or horn and the drivers vision port hatch cover.

Pictures show some sort of prop or strut to hold the hatch cover open but there was nothing I found in the instruction to indicate one to be installed. What I did find in the kit was a short brace (not used for this kit) from I think the Dragon towed 105 kit,it was a perfect fit to serve the purpose.
I just thought German running gear was boring,just look at all those parts that have to be cleaned up.

While dry fitting the units together I noticed that I had to apply a good bit of pressure to close the gap at the joint seam on top of those boogie housing halves. I found the problem and here is another one of those tips to make life easier for you.

The central shaft on the right is larger than the cup it fits in on the left so I opened the cup up just a tad with a drill bit and now all is right with the world again.
In order to get a good scald on the paint job all the parts need to be sprayed individually ,assembled and then fill the joint seam and touched up to make a clean job or just slop mud all over everything and call it good.
Well people that brings you up to date as of today. I'm about to the point that I need to paint some of those hard to reach areas before I can start to put some of these assemblies together and move ahead.
Thanks to Paul for allowing me to join this group build. Looking forward to the other projects being built here as well.
I'm sure you folks know more about these than I ever will so sing out with any suggestions or corrections that are needed before I get to far along.
Hoping you have a productive weekend.

Tony the Mutt