Hi folks
I got directed to a great article on how to make brick and stone using cork sheet cut to size and then using spackle (I presume in the UK is common building plaster).
This is where I am at tonight and a bit of the route I took was by pure chance after deciding to shred a piece of junk mail at home.
I took an A4 sized sheet of the cork and chucked it in the shredder ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, hey presto ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6mm wide strips (ok some a bit skew wiff probably cause our shredder is well used and abused).

I marked out a 2mm by 6mm box on two parallel lines to act as a guide

Metal streight edge to hold the cork and guide my blade

A sharp blade would be a boon but as my work shed in a mess and me bringing stuff back into the house to work on I am using the blade at hand (NOT AS SHARP AS COULD BE).

A few cuts later and a heap of brick shims to make a facing for my hut.
