Made a move to start on the base and founds for the hut and gathered together the materials

Wood for shuttering a concrete base, all purpose filler for the concrete, aimes tape (used for covering joints in plasterboard to skim coat with plaster) to act as a bit of reinforcement through the plaster mix, thin but stiff metal strips that were shaped to form the bows.

Filler was a lot harder to get flat than I had thought as the mix would not self level

Bows laid in to get a feeling for the shape and size

Cardboard cut out, agian to get a feel for the shape. Am considering finding a foam board to cut out the front and rear panels which I want to make up as brickwork.

Corrugated tin foil for the sheeting

My hut should scale out at 24 foot span and 30 foot length. Just got to wait for the filler to set hard and give it a smooth down flat.
The frame should look like this (although set on a concrete base, not timber).
