Do you ever get to a building stage where you wonder 'should I have done that?'

Well I reached that point yesterday evening after I had adjusted and fitted the RHS rear bin and my mind got to thinking hold on were there different bin arrangements for different Mks? !!
MiniArt provide 5 different styles of side bin, so what you fit will depend more on the period you want to display the tank in than the Mk of tank you are building. As it is extremely hard to identify a Mk II from a Mk IV or a Mk III from a Mk V this can be confusing when you are looking at the build instructions and reference pirctuers that may or may not be correctly identified

The following infomration is courtsey of Dick Taylor to whom I asked the question. Bin style depends on time period more than Mk of Tank
So Dick's advice is as follows:
Al, the bins depend on time more than mark. The very earliest Mk IIs (around 1940/41 )only had a short tool bin on the right side, let's call that Bin A. Later (and it may be that this applied to older Mk IIs in retrospect but I don't know this for sure as there is no evidence of any rework programme) versions had three possibilities:
A second smaler bin (B) added immediately behind A to give extra space, this went as far as the wing support rib
A larger tool bin (C) overall size the same as both A and B together, again going as far rearwards as the rib
A ration bin (D), not quite as high as the tool bins, extending rearwards from the rib.
So thanks very much for that information Dick as it helps clear up some of the difference I've seen in pictuers of the Mk II and Mk IV.
My advice then would be to fit the bins starting front to rear on the RHS using any reference pictuers you might have but if no RHS shot is available using the time period the picture was taken and the above information as a basic guide.
Needless to say I fitted the rear bin first

The second query I had with the kit was the large 24 inch road wheel size and I sent off for a set of AA Valentine wheels for comparison. Now either I have missed the boat here completely, which has been know to happen, or AAs large road wheels are also short of the 24 inch spec, or my 1/35 scale ruler is complete wrong!
Just to update this a bit:
I was talking with Derek from AA about the wheels. His meassure in at 17.00 trought to 17.03mm across a few sets he checked.. As a 24" (609.6mm) wheel scales out at 17.4mm at 1:35 that means at worst they are 2% smaller and at best 0.5% smaller.
Derek has also just received the MiniArt Kit and their Large wheels measure in at 16.7mm diameter, so around 4% underscale.
If you add that to a slightly longer extension arm then that is where the slightly bigger gap between the small and large wheels appears and what give this other wise cracking kit a sightly odd look.
Here's a comparison the centre wheel is the MiniArt one.

Accurate Armout 24inch wheel

MiniArt 24 inch Wheel

There is a tiny bit of difference but neither as far as I can see measure 24 inches in diameter, but to be fair my 1/35 scale rule probably isn't that accurate.
The AA ones don't have a rear wheel hub insert, but that's another issue, the detail is naturally sharper and the wheels have a slightly more rounded type finish. So there are two options for the kit wheels. Build the kit as is and simply don't worry about it or remove the extension arm on the suspension unit, shorten it and re-attach the arm thereby bring the larger wheel closer to the smaller road wheel. Personally I'm going for the first option, because if I do the second I am sure to end up with one arm shorter than the rest, which would just be Murphy's Law working fine as usual!!

but see belwo for developments.