I recently reviewed Kit no 35092 the new MiniArt Valentine Mk IV. So I thought I'd start a build blog and see how the kit turns out. The kit comes with a Red Army figure set and Decals for same but I'll build my version as a British/Commonweealth Vehicle.
You can read the review here:
Valentine Mk IV
If anyone would like the figure set and/or decals just PM me and I'll put them into the post, waste not want not etc, etc.
Well here's the beast:

The Valentine is a really interesting British Tank , it was produced in a wider variety of Gun Tank Mks and used as the chassis for the Archer, Bishop and a Bridge Laying version.
There are some good References about at the moment.
Dick Taylors British Infantry Tank Mk III Valentine which I reviewed recently here:
and a recent publication from Squadron SIgnal which Jim Rea reported on here, but I've not seen yet:
With both MiniArt's Mk IV and Mk II now out and now AFV Club coming into the frame with an as yet unreleased Mk I and the production of a 17pdr A/T gun by both Bronco and AFV Club it would be nice to think that somewhere along the way a Valentine Archer might finally emerge too. These are interesting times for us Allied modellers.
The kit comes with a partial drivers interior and a gun breech and radio for the turret and I'll see if I can add anything of interest in that area too. With Inside the Armour producing AFV interiors who knows where all this will lead to if that is a route Chris decides to go down.
Anyway time ot put the bits in for a wash.