As usual, the trumpeter ASLAV kit is used as a donor kit.
This is going to be diorama model, not a shelf queen and this may impact some of the build features.
Firstly I attached the hull and deck together, and rear plate to make a nice solid box from which to work. The engine vents were removed by sharp knife scribes and an xacto saw blade. the corrected engine cover (part 19) was added, gaps filled and sanded.
The biggest issue for me is I have never done the anti slip coating. And because this is going to be with two other vehicles on a diorama, one of which has the antislip already fitted, I have to add it here for consistency.
I have seen several methods, and didnt like any of them enough to try it (the aerosol suede effect was the most creative and the one I liked the most i guess but could'nt get the stuff from bunnings).
I came across this product theother day in the hobby shop while buying sanding sticks. Tamiya "diorama texture paint" light sand, grit effect. quite a mouthfull. I bought it (expensive was about $18) and test painted on some scrap card. I like it alot ! took two coats to ge a good consistent coverage.
The paint has a ceramic pellets in it - super fine, that give it a texture, and the paint is more like a paste - the consistency of the pre made custard you get at the supermarket. can't shake it, can stir it, wouldnt bother airbrushing it as it would block the nozzle. I didnt thin it, it is an acrylic paint.
Anyways heres some pics, I shifted the ligh so to throw shadow over the surface to see the effect better.