"Crew walking on it"... that's an intriguing notion (yes, I am certain they did walk on that glacic- but did that damage or compress the zim?)!
Let's presume that the zimm on that up-facing front plate ("glacis"?) is somewhat less prominent then seen say, on the turret or hull sides.
And, let's go with the "crew" model:
IF that reduced zim stature was created by crew walking on it... then it should probably be depicted on kits as being quite varied in thickness and "ridgy-ness" across that glacis, as the crew did not walk equally over all of it! Further... I should think that if crew walked on it and it did get worn or damaged, the camo painted over those walked-on portions should probably be damaged or worn-away, exposing the "raw" zim, to reflect this?
Personally, I am rather dubious about the "crew damage" scenario, and think it more likely that, if glacis zim was actually thinner, then it was applied that way... but that's just my guess.
PS: Does anyone know or "see" this thinner glacis zim manifest on any of the AM Tiger I zim kits, or on any of the pre-zimmed kits?