Mal---First off, welcome back to armor

Is this the Tamiya kit (just curious)?
Here is something you might consider when painting your Panzer.
Apply your base coat color, (unaltered), from the bottle, covering the entire tank.
Next, lighten your base coat with some white ---- and cloud pattern the larger flat areas of the vehicle. This will give you the preshading look in the nooks and crannies.
Last, dry brush with your lightened based coat---lightened a tad bit more. This method gives you three different shades of grey adding depth to the vehicle.
Then weather with mud/dirt/rust as you see fit ---adding even more color for the eye.
For the lights---Dave Tong aka SS-74 adamantly maintains that certain AFV lights should be hollowed out, the cup painted silver, and then filled with a clear glue-that once dry---replicates a glass lens reflected off the silver back. A simpler method is to dry brush the front of the lights with a steel/silver mixture, and hit them with some weathering to dirty them up.
Good luck and welcome to the Good Side of the Force