I agree Bruce. too much "weathering" can make a model look really cartoony, but not enough will leave it flat looking and visually bland.it seems like a fine line between the two. thats why i am doing this on an oob $20 kit instead of a $140 magach conversion. another big factor is what my eye sees and my camera sees. the skirt armor has a really nice fading of the dust up from the bottom to the green at the top, in the pictures it just blends the two colours.
I probably have to spend some more time figuring out how to use the camera to its full potential.
the dust on the road wheels and skirt armour are a lot less subtle on the real thing.

the rear of the hull is the same as well

once the drybrushing is done, the whole thing is going to get a LIGHT overspray with the dust colour. hopefully that will tone the whole thing down