So after a few months of not being able to get any work done on my builds (Just started a new job).
(I did manage to finish my
Alternate Future Leopard)
I finally had some time to actually get something finished and also time to start on some new things.
I know this thread started out being about 1/72, but I'm just really loving 1/100 Flames of War kits at the moment, so if you were looking for more 1/72 I'm sorry to disapoint.
But anyway lets got on to the show.
Hs-129 So I've had this thing laying around for some time now and thought it deserved better. This is the first time I paint an airplane since I was a kid and tbh think it turned out ok'ish.

Command PantherSo this is the Jochen Pieper kit from Battlefront and I've tried to paint it using some other techniques than usual also a different camo pattern. Still a long way to go.
Open Fire - Sherman Platoon (1)So this is a couple of Shermans from Battlefronts awesome Open Fire set. This is the first time I've painted allied armor in some time, gonna be interesting. I tried my hand at some homemade sandbags. Like the Panther still a loooong way to go before they are finished.
More pictures and some better descriptions can be found on the blog
Panzer MarchHope you liked it