Hello everyone
Since this is my first post i might just introduce myself a little, my name is Christoffer i'm from Denmark where i live in a city called Horsens. I'm currently studying to become and IT-Engineer (2. semester at the moment, exams soon *sigh*) and i try to get a few hours free each week to spend on this marvelous hobby

I've been building and painting military model kits, mostly in 1/35 scale and from different eras, since i was about 6-7 years old. German ww2 tanks have always had a special place in my heart and recently after having browsed google for pictures i stumbled upon various sites for small scale ww2 wargaming and soon i was sitting with my first 1/72 kit infront of me i reckon the last time i build anything 1/72 was probably more than 10 years ago. The kit was an older kit from Dragon Models of a german Ferdinand tank destroyer, i think i finished it paint and everything in no more than a few hours.
Since then my collection of tanks have been growing steadily and i really find 1/72 to be the perfect scale for me, don't get me wrong i like the detail level of larger scale kits, but being able to finished these small kits in a matter of hours is really preferable for me in my current situation when juggling university, duties around the home, social life etc. and to be honest the detail level of the newer 1/72 is quite astonishing, especially kits from Dragon.
Until now i've mostly been sharing photos of my work with friend on Facebook, but i figured i should share it with more and maybe get some constructive feedback for my work so far from more experienced and interested people

Im not going to post all the pictures here (I sincerly hope that isn't a problem) because i already spent so long time adding them to my newly started blog with just that in mind.
Here's the link
Panzer March!
Im currently building another Tiger I, a Panther G, 2 Stug III and a King Tiger (all from Dragon) so the blog will be updated frequently.
Comments and suggestions are of course more than welcome either here or on my blog.
Hope you like my work
I would like to make it clear that i don't paint my tanks to look realistic, I try to make them more suited for wargaming and general display

Best Regards