Thanks All!
Jeremy it, like all the rest, will eventually, LOL!, have it's own small base. That's when I'll dust her up to tie it in with the terrain.
The kit was typical Tamiya easy peasy. I had to fill the motorization holes, and work the seam between the upper and lower hulls. The turret halves fit together like a hand in a glove. I briefly sanded the seam and then treated the turret and hull to a bit of texturing. I used liquid cement and an old short bristled brush.
I sculpted the mantlet cover from Apoxie Sculpt as there was no mantlet cover! The barrel was designed to raise and lower so the canvas was, ahem "not there".
Being a single color it was easy to paint and fade with an airbrush. I lightly drybrushed the turret and upper hull to bring out the cast texture.
The AFV Club tracks are a must IMO. Kind of fiddly to assemble, but you cannot beat articulated double pin tracks for realism.