Hi TreadHead. I'm kind of wondering if the brush painting was really a good idea, as I'm getting ready to build the crane unit and now see that I will probably have to use the Testor's spray on this, as their is just too many little pieces in there to be able to get it all with a brush. Although I've done the barrel and cradle system, elevating system, and ammo car with the brush and it turned out pretty good. Have to do some more thinking on this as I build it. I've also put together the L-Track unit too, but as yet haven't done anything with it. I now have it hanging up on the wall in the garage, as I have no where else I can put the thing. It's so big that ever the wife is impressed with it. And that's saying something from her. Ha!
Yes, waiting for others, a lot more accomplished than myself, to build this thing is kind of the best way to go, for me at least. I've already gotten some good ideas on finishing the track section from the pictures posted on the Hyper Scale site of this finished model. To tell the truth I'm really looking forward to building an actual in-line railbed from the scale R.R. stuff and want to use some ideas on finishing this particular section of the model from some of the ideas I hope to pick up from some of the modeling R.R. sites around on the Net., plus at the local hobby shop. But this will be months down the road, as I can feel myself aready getting some 'burn out' from working on it and will need to take a break and go back to something 'simpler' and far less complicated in the over-all picture of things. After spending well over a month to 6 weeks just building what I've built so far, I really haven't accomplished a whole lot on the over all kit. For anybody who hasn't taken a look at one of these things--no matter which company the kit comes from--this is truly one MASSIVE kit to build. Truly.
And as well as this particular unit is going over, by all indications on this and various other sites, I would have to venture to guess that this is just the tip of the iceberg on 'big' kits that will be coming down the line in the future. And this will be a good thing, as long as the makers can continue to make the quality and detail up to the standards of the many 1/35 scale kits out there today.
Take care, sgirty