Hi. Thanks for all the photos guys. You stuff looks really good. I just finished up the ammo car from the Trumpeter kit and it went together very nicely. Not any problems, except the railing that goes around the crane area was broken. But it mended very well with just a drop of glue.
Really like that Model Master glue in the triagular bottle. Drys pretty fast and that needle-like applicator is really great for getting into small places with just a drop of glue.
Am now experimenting with the hand-build railway track. Making a small section for one of Dragon's rail cars first. Using balsa for the ties. 3/16 by 3/8 pieces, and it is working fine. Found that the "G" rail in model railways isn't cheap, so the dealer said I should try the plastic "I" beams instead. And these I think will be okay. Have to make the rail connectors that hold the rails to the ties, but that should be no biggy I would thing. Also the rail connectors that hold the rails together as well. Been thinking of buying a punch and die set anyway, and I'll need this to make the washers and bolts for these connectors between the rails.
While I was at the hobby shop I found they handle about 8 different types, or kinds, of railroad ballast, in as many colors. Ranging from an almost white to very dark grey. Also 'coal' as well. So, like the person who built the K5 on Hyper Scale, I'll use this stuff to 'dress up' the alerady built T-track layout that came with the Trumpeter unit and see how that goes. Plus "weeds" too.
One thing's for sure, these kits sure do provide lots and lots of time well spent in this hobby. We are all learning lots of new techniques no matter which kit we are building.
Good luck to all of you and take care, sgirty