Ye Olde Schwimmwagen
This build is an old Tamiya kit that I had started some years back...and yes it is amphibious too! will be another scratch detail too and maybe a water base. We'll see about the base though, I have a couple of ideas in mind.
Any way here we are so far.
I added some rough detail in the front float area... yup, that's a piece of nylon stocking and a slice of a gas can...

Opened up the top deck (there was some molded screen there)

Opened up the top air intake door...

Modified the firewall, added a bilge pipe, and some side supports...

Oh yeah, modified the side steps, exhaust hole, and front tow lug...

For the side steps I used some of the two part rubber putty and made a mold, ground out the old step and cast a new one to glue in.
I think that pretty much brings the project up to date, It may be a few days before I get back to it, but I'll keep on this one!