@PedroA – Pedro,
Been away for a while, just taking some time away from modeling for no particular reason.
The first of two 3T6’s looks very good, I also like what appear to be a folded bed cushion on the upper rear of the vehicle. As usual I dropped by your blog spot to check out the extra photographs on this build and noticed that you had posted a new step-by-step (STS) on making trees in this scale, excellent and realistic looking. Daniel aka ‘SchoeniR6’ also posted his take on making trees and snow in this scale on his recent
'StuG. III Ausf.G with Wintertracks’ build log (near bottom of page). I think it would be a good thing for everyone concerned with this scale to archive these techniques for everyone’s use as you are doing in your blog spot.
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I shall have to inform the small scale builders in my club that you might make them available for sale. Please keep us informed of the details.
I for one would also be interested in the purchase of one of your 3T6’s.
~ Eddy