No, the end I am talking about is not that it went flying again..... only that it is, for all intents and purposes done, completed, finished, over with, --30--, fini....
Gee, you can hardly tell that this is the track that gave me all the problems, and caused me to give the tank a flying lesson. You can see my playing with ground up pastel chalk.... fixed on with a wash of alcohol. I need to practice more, but if I had messed with it much more it might have had another flight.
Here is my marker light on a spring. Well, that is what it is supposed to represent, would have been better if I had found some thin spring steel to make the spring from rather than having to wind it around a bit of clear sprue....
Here is the rear of the vehicle, showing the muffler. Normally everyone shows mufflers rusted over, however, I think that considering the time and use of this vehicle it would be different. After all, it was a training vehicle in peacetime.... and sargents, of any country, love to have you clean and paint. So I am thinking that paint chips would be touched up quickly and that if you really screwed up they might just have you wire brush and paint the muffler...
Here is the other side of the vehicle.. Odd looking little thing, but overall kind of a fun build until I got to the tracks.
Later all.....