Sean's here. Everybody leave!
Okay, I can take a hint. I can't.
Anyway, trundling along again,

Using "Soldier Bob" from the Italeri GMC base kit (as I've taken to calling him) as my test dummy, I'm forming a driver seat from balsa wood-- it cuts super-easily and sands quickly to a rough shape, which in my head works for upholstery. (Maybe you prefer putty when making upholstery, that's another way. Are there others?)

Test fitting the seat components, but won't glue them in until the underside is done. As it is, the model lays perfectly upside down, so I'm doing the bottom first. Here is the engine compartment taking shape.
Less than a month left in this campaign. I'll turn the lights off when I'm done.

In all sincerity, I hope Phill hasn't had another workplace injury that's keeping him away. Hopefully he's somewhere off the grid, in a lounge chair with an umbrella drink.
-Sean H.