Large Scale Build Campaign 1/24 ~ 1/6
Indiana, United States
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Posted: Saturday, July 07, 2012 - 09:43 AM UTC
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Thanks, Jef. I just enlisted! yay! 
Now I need to find something to build so I can save all my pennies for it
Awesome!!!! I think finding and deciding is almost as fun as building the kit! At least with me, that decision can be very undecisive.
So, goodluck!
~ Jeff
Indiana, United States
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Posted: Saturday, July 07, 2012 - 09:47 AM UTC
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Edit: I want to build a non RC tank in 1/6...where should I be looking to purchase one of these?
Those can cost some big bucks ... $300 to $700 at to say the least. There are a few online websites that carry them and eBay retailers, maybe more members here can give you some ideas.
If it were me I would do a search on Google and go from there. The only 1/6 kits I know of are the DML Panzer II and the Sherman M4A3.
~ Jeff
Missouri, United States
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Posted: Saturday, July 07, 2012 - 09:50 AM UTC
Hmmm...Darn. Not trying to spend over 150 total for all of it. sooo.....might have to change the scale.
I'll look around the net, see what I can find.
thanks again, Jeff
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British Columbia, Canada
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Posted: Saturday, July 07, 2012 - 01:10 PM UTC
You should see what my 1/6 P-38 is going to cost.
Cheers Rob.
Anything without guns is a target!
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Auckland, New Zealand
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Posted: Saturday, July 07, 2012 - 02:01 PM UTC
Brandi .. Oh welcome to the nut house

..this is gonna be fun now we have a lady in here with us loons ,,again welcome aboard
Rob .. 1/6th P38 Lighting >>????? ohhh mumma !!! this i can't wait to see ..put engines on this thing and dude you could fly it with you in it
I know the voices ain't real but they do come up with some great ideas
Never trust a man who left alone with a tea cozy and doesn't try it on ( Billy Connolly )
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British Columbia, Canada
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Posted: Saturday, July 07, 2012 - 03:24 PM UTC
It will be powered it's R/C and at 114" wingspan there is lots of detail to add. This one is quite a ways down the road though as I want it to be my masterpiece.
Cheers Rob.
Anything without guns is a target!
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Auckland, New Zealand
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Posted: Saturday, July 07, 2012 - 05:04 PM UTC
Rob .. I had a feeling it might be a RC bird and with a 114inch wingspan she will look real nice ..hell with this size you can fully detail the cockpit ,there's more than enough bits out there for that ,,that should look very cool
I just scored a huge pile of broken RC gliders from a guy for $16 ..ohh i can see some prototypes heading for the sky pretty soon
I know the voices ain't real but they do come up with some great ideas
Never trust a man who left alone with a tea cozy and doesn't try it on ( Billy Connolly )
Overkill is often very understated
Indiana, United States
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Posted: Saturday, July 07, 2012 - 05:30 PM UTC
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Hmmm...Darn. Not trying to spend over 150 total for all of it. sooo.....might have to change the scale.
I'll look around the net, see what I can find.
thanks again, Jeff
So, $150.00? You could probably still get one of the Trumpeter 1/16th scale T34 tanks they offer at around that price, at least I have seen them on eBay. There are two 85MM and two versions of the 76MM T34's as well. All have an engine and trans detail and I think the gun and surrounding turret details too? I have 2 of them here and don't really know as I was going to RC them so what interior it has is unknown to me.
Trumpeter also offers a couple King Tigers in that scale but go at around $300 or so so they are a bit higher.
Good luck on your search and let us know if you need any other suggestions!
~ Jeff
Maine, United States
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Posted: Saturday, July 07, 2012 - 08:44 PM UTC
Just got my Centurion in the mail.I couldn't help my self and had to open the box.....I'm scared,Lads and Lassies,I'm scared

Jeff T.
The building lamp is lit.Build'em if you got'em.
Auckland, New Zealand
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Posted: Saturday, July 07, 2012 - 10:29 PM UTC
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Just got my Centurion in the mail.I couldn't help my self and had to open the box.....I'm scared,Lads and Lassies,I'm scared
Jeff T.

JT .. its not that mad man

it's Tamiya after all ain't it ? so it will go together real easy
Jeff S .. Brandi told me what shes getting ..Trumpeter King Tiger and she's lovin it

,, I've built this model and one of Trumpeter's T34/85's and if the 2 you have is like the one i built then its full detail buddy
Total interior and engine and inner turret detail went together without a problem ..pleasure to build .
I know the voices ain't real but they do come up with some great ideas
Never trust a man who left alone with a tea cozy and doesn't try it on ( Billy Connolly )
Overkill is often very understated
Missouri, United States
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Posted: Sunday, July 08, 2012 - 01:45 AM UTC
Yep, saving all my money for the Trumpeter 1/16 King Tiger. Pretty awesome.
Where should I look for PE parts and the like? Phill, anything you suggest for it, since you've built it before?
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Auckland, New Zealand
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Posted: Sunday, July 08, 2012 - 09:53 AM UTC
Brandi .. Well the one i built was built OOT ,,i just used the PE which came with it ,,which wasn't that much but it looked good and thats what the customer wanted ,,but
Aber make many sets for the 1/16th king tiger and you could easily spend $300 US on that alone if you wanted .
One set i found is this one is this set ,, is a basic set too .. so it gives ya a pretty clear idea just how nuts you can go on these things .
Our man Jeff S is i would say one of the best to chat to about getting PE as he is a very serious 1/16th model builder and might know where in the US you can get this stuff .
If you do a google search on Aber 1/16 king tiger PE you gonna be shocked at what you find
I'll hold ya hand if it gets to scarey
I know the voices ain't real but they do come up with some great ideas
Never trust a man who left alone with a tea cozy and doesn't try it on ( Billy Connolly )
Overkill is often very understated
Scotland, United Kingdom
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Posted: Sunday, July 08, 2012 - 10:15 AM UTC
Given the fact I am going for broke on attempting as near 100% scratch as I can on this one, I am hoping you lot will forgive me starting early.
I am not known for speed on builds so will probably be at the cows tail near the end of the campaign.
Here is where I am at so far. Not sure if happy with it though !!!!!!!!

"Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday."
Don Marquis
Procrastination isn't the problem, it's the solution. So procrastinate now, don't put it off.
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Missouri, United States
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Posted: Sunday, July 08, 2012 - 10:40 AM UTC
Nige, you crazy! Sweet tire. I like the "Michelin" you added in. Very well thought.

I found some.....yeah, wow. Think I'll go for some fenders and some basic stuff, nothing crazy!
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Alaska, United States
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Posted: Sunday, July 08, 2012 - 03:01 PM UTC
Nige, awesome as usual my friend. One of the things I admire most about Nige is there is nothing he won't tackle! This one will be another amazing build.
P.S. Brandi, checked out your blog, really nice!
Large Scale Armory
Why is the rum....always gone? --Capt. Jack Sparrow
Missouri, United States
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Posted: Sunday, July 08, 2012 - 03:38 PM UTC
Thanks, Jim
I am looking forward to Nige's scratchbuild, that's for sure!

My Carentan build log:
Indiana, United States
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Posted: Sunday, July 08, 2012 - 08:32 PM UTC
Nige and fellow members signed up to this Campaign. I admire your desire to get started on your project early but please ... the Campaign HAS NOT YET STARTED!!!
Although I have allowed started kits to be used (only because they may be complex) and you may go ahead getting your project underway but please refrain from posting those pictures 'till after the start date!! Just save them in a folder and post them later.
Up until then we can discuss or post pictures about the project but no build pictures should be inserted until then.
So build it, take pictures of it but save them to be posted AFTER the start date ...
please.I hope all understand this but those are the rules and the guidelines. I DO like what Nige has done so far!

~ Jeff
Indiana, United States
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Posted: Monday, July 16, 2012 - 10:57 PM UTC
Let's not stop the banter!

STILL have not decided on what to do as I am
still searching for an affordable 1/32 F-105 in either a D, F or G version.

By then I think I will need a break from all the armor as I will be knee deep in 2 or 3 1/16th RC builds!
~ Jeff
Removed by original poster on 07/29/12 - 09:25:52 (GMT).
Alaska, United States
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Posted: Sunday, August 05, 2012 - 08:46 PM UTC
I am completely amazed by this but I have to admit, I haven't the faintest idea what to build. Realistically it can't be anything too major as I just don't have much time. But for some reason I can't come up with a simple idea that sounds appealing.
It's not for lack of models or accessories, those I have in ample supply. I just haven't been struck by something that I really want to just build. I guess that's the problem, so much of what I do is scratchbuilding but I don't really have time to do much more than modify an existing kit.
Oh well, I'll figure something out between now and the start date. Just unusual that I don't have a thing or two already picked out by now.
Large Scale Armory
Why is the rum....always gone? --Capt. Jack Sparrow
Indiana, United States
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Posted: Sunday, August 12, 2012 - 11:00 PM UTC
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Just got my Centurion in the mail.I couldn't help my self and had to open the box.....I'm scared,Lads and Lassies,I'm scared
Jeff T.
Hey Jeff T!
Any special plans for your Centurion? I know you've probably looked it over more than just a few times and with that in mind, think it's high time a decision was made and built mine that I've had for too many years.
Bought an old stock, sealed kit off eBay for about $80.00, back when the new release had not even become discussion either. Had several of them but none made it to todays collection and it being one of my all time favorite tanks.
Besides, an 1/32 F-105 has not become available and since this is an Armor Forum... should give up that idea.
~ Jeff
Maine, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, August 14, 2012 - 02:34 AM UTC
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Quoted Text
Just got my Centurion in the mail.I couldn't help my self and had to open the box.....I'm scared,Lads and Lassies,I'm scared
Jeff T.
Hey Jeff T!
Any special plans for your Centurion? I know you've probably looked it over more than just a few times and with that in mind, think it's high time a decision was made and built mine that I've had for too many years.
Bought an old stock, sealed kit off eBay for about $80.00, back when the new release had not even become discussion either. Had several of them but none made it to todays collection and it being one of my all time favorite tanks.
Besides, an 1/32 F-105 has not become available and since this is an Armor Forum... should give up that idea.
~ Jeff
Jeff S.... Right back at ya

No I have no specail plans for the big boy.Most likely be OOB.If I can find some PE,I might go with some.About the only thing I can see as a specail plan is to PLAN TO SPEND A LOT OF TIME WITH IT

Maybe I'll put some box and sprue pic's up soon just to see how bad it really is.Jeff T.
The building lamp is lit.Build'em if you got'em.
Indiana, United States
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Posted: Thursday, August 16, 2012 - 10:04 AM UTC
We could have ~ Dueling Centurion Builds ~ (sounds like a song) or I could get out my Vintage Chieftain kit?
I like the Mark III Centurion but I think maybe a Shot Kal in 1/25th instead?
~ Jeff
Maine, United States
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Posted: Friday, August 17, 2012 - 08:55 AM UTC
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We could have ~ Dueling Centurion Builds ~ (sounds like a song) or I could get out my Vintage Chieftain kit?
I like the Mark III Centurion but I think maybe a Shot Kal in 1/25th instead?
~ Jeff
Jeff S... If we each did a Centurion,maybe we could pick different versions,I think the kit comes with 2 or 3 decal choices

A big Cheif would also be sweet,as would the Shot Kal.We have plenty of time,we'll figure it out.Jeff T.
The building lamp is lit.Build'em if you got'em.
Maine, United States
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Posted: Friday, August 17, 2012 - 11:05 AM UTC
Jeff S.... Just pulled the box down from the closet to check how many versions the kit covered.I said 2 or 3? Try 6 different versions

.Jeff T.
The building lamp is lit.Build'em if you got'em.