Robert, great ideas there, I think initially i'll pick up the panzerjaeger set ( although my mind does change easily lol.
I think I will place 2-3 German troops in the trench, maybe modify. do you know if the panzerjaegers come with the extra gear DMl have been providing? it would be nice ot have a few weapons to use here and there.
Jerry, i think that due to the space I have for this scene, a full out anti tank ditch would be unwise, i have been looking online and it seems that the size i have would amount to a defensive position, or communications trench. I agree with the idea of having more defenses, initially the idea was to have the tank advancing on a position that had been compromised, and hastily emptied with its contents repositioned in trenches further back, although, im pretty sure now there will be somebody occupying a trench that the soviets thing has been emptied!
Thanks Connor, I am always slighly skeptical about using plastic figures, but thats what filler is for!! was your stalingrad set much work or were they ok?
A small amount of progress, I was not happy with the wood. it did not reflect what I have seen in photos and various online references. I want to have the trench sides reinforced, at least a little, with wood, So far i have seen a weave style system mounted on upright round timber posts, and small log shoring, usually 2 uprights with a number of horizontally stacked logs or branches within.
well anyway, photos..
the foam is rough and will be shaped as the diorama moves onwards!