I used to build models quite prolifically, mostly cars and aircraft, but since 2003 or so have only built sporadically. I have not "completed" anything since then. Anyway...the model tank I built was a Tamiya Gepard back in the early 80s (when I was working on the GD DIVADS program). I thought a change in subject might kick-start the drive to completion, so I decided on a simple armor project. I had always wanted to try some weathering techniques, and Mike Rinaldi's Tank Art 1 became an inspiration.
So, on to the model. The Trumpeter Krupp-Steyr Waffentrager caught my eye at my LHS...I like the lines and it looked simple enough. The fact that it was a prototype, only a few were built, and to my knowledge never left the factory, meant it would have a simple one-color scheme and probably not show a lot of wear and tear. Pictures of one of them shows it as probably being in primer (though I was told by one modeler it could have been dark green) and looking relatively clean.
I built up the major components and laid down a base coat/primer using Floquil railroad paint enamel Zinc Chromate, which I thought is a good match for German primer (but what do I know). Built up the tracks over the last couple days. Next step would be to highlight/tone areas with lightened and darkened base. Then on to the pin-wash and weathering. Wish me luck!