I have a bit of progress on mine, a few external fittings and such. I've got the lights on, the rear can rack and what I believe is a storage box. Some of the pieces to be added later are together but not cleaned up yet. I also put the crane base together, mostly to ck fit to the mount. It's pretty rough, and I expect the rest of the crane to be the same. I also want to do some hydraulic lines on it.
Crane base, filler inside.

Rear. Light guards are from scrap PE and plastic; kits parts were pretty poor.

I hace a couple of pics of IDF M113s with what appear to be bash plates over the final drive housings, so I knocked some out using plastic strio and hex rod for bolt heads.

This is actually a pretty rough kit in a lot of places, notably how the left side headlights mount. I've tried to clean this area up, but I may have to hide it with a tarp or spare parts, don't know until I get primer on.
I also tried to detail up the driver's periscopes a little, not much in the kit.