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Tonight the family went to see the new Disney movie "Dumbo". All other comments aside there were two trains appearing in the movie. (both completely digital as was most of the movie.) The first train was practically a total embarrassment to any modeler or railfan* but the second interestingly enough was an Army troop train and it was pulled by a very well done S-160 steam locomotive like the one on display at Ft. Eustis, Army Transportation Museum. It is a shame that the better looking locomotive appeared for only a few seconds while the viewer was tortured for several minutes by that other "steam abomination".
*What is the logic of making a film that is intended to appear "real" only to design a locomotive that then looks like a cartoon? They might as well have used a "Thomas the tank engine" and been done with it!
Hi, Mike!
"HOLLYWOOD's movie industry" is very "intermittent" when it comes to realism- "ARTISTIC LICENSE" seem to be the "watchwords" there. What that means is that the people that put these movies and TV shows together RARELY do enough research to make anything that approaches "real life", ESPECIALLY in their story-lines and "props", which more and more, are computer-generated.
It is getting to be very rare for me to watch anything "Based On Real History" any more, without getting completely disgusted with all of the OUT-AND-OUT MISTAKES, FABRICATIONS, AND DELIBERATE DOUCH-BAGGERY that is purported to represent "real" people, events and the various "props" that go along with the story. This is how HOLLYWOOD misleads people into thinking that whatever they see on the "big screen" or at home on their "boob-tubes" is "accurate and truthful"...
For example, I don't know if you are familiar with the HBO "DEADWOOD" TV series of some years ago, but they did get the idea across that Deadwood was a cesspool, and that SOME of the characters were real, but all of the rest was pure MOONSHINE. In fact, the "real" story of Deadwood and it's notable characters would probably have made a more interesting story... The same can be said for the other big "block-buster" HBO series, "BOARDWALK EMPIRE", and more recently, the "DUNKIRK" movie...
I don't even watch TV any more... Enough said...
HOW did we get onto THIS subject?!? I thought this thread was supposed to be about the absence of any WWII US Army Steam Locomotives on the market..?