A couple of months ago I started an out-of-the-box build of Dragon's Sd.Kfz.251/22 in 1/35. I decided to go "creative" with the cammo, and decided to make the halftrack itself in the Feb. 1945 pattern seen on these Panters:

The posit was that the halftrack arrived as a Sd.Kfz.251/1 and was field-modified with the /22 kit and an older PaK40 piece from a towed gun. I can't remember why I decided that I'll make the vehicle belonging to Grossdeutschland division, but further research showed that the Panters with this unusual cammo in fact belonged to 15.Pz.Gr. Division. This is fine overall and I just need to change the unit insignia.
However, upon discovering this mistake, doubts started chewing at me

I am really not a fan of the what-if Panzer'46 trend. At the same time, there are very few preserved images of 251/22 and very few images of vehicles with this specific cammo. So here comes the question:
If I keep this cammo, will the model appear as a Panzer'46 item in your opinion? I'm torn between keeping it as it is because it is "exotic" in a way, and repainting it in something more familiar. Ultimately, the perception it creates (whether it appears Panzer'46 or not) would tip the scales, and as I am unable to make up my mind, I'd like to ask the esteemed Forum for an opinion -- and I do thank you very much in advance for the input!
Finally, a bit about the model itself at its current stage:
OOB build, I used the metal barrel provided by Dragon. I weathered the interior (mildly so, it is a recently assembled vehicle). The PaK will be more severely weathered to convey the impression of an older artillery piece slapped with the /22 kit on the 251. In spite of all the filing, the seam between the two parts behind/under the breech is very much visible so it will be revisited with some more putty (the PaK is not glued to the rest of the model, just put in place for the photoshoot).
No major work on the exterior yet, just put the decals in place and sprayed gently Tamiya's Buff and Wooden Deck Tan to simulate the first layer of dusting. Everything else is on hold now until I make up my mind whether I'll keep this cammo or repaint the whole thing.
And finally, some pictures:

Thank you very much for having a look -- and even more so if you have an opinion!
Have a very nice weekend,