OK,it is stick a fork in it time gents.
The remnants of the Ramcke Brigade,made up of Paras,has been left behind during the general retreat after the battle of El Alamein. Being light Infantry,they are without transport and have to leg it across the empty harsh terrain.
A squad leader pushes on,desperate conviction keeps him going.
Lack of sleep is the first thing to start to break down the troops. The guys take turns linked together so contact is not broken.
A young replacement gets a gentle warning from the NCO "Passauf Pimpfe" ! Hey boy ! You dropped your "brain bucket".
The Leutnant scans the near horizon for threats,which are many at this point,far behind the lines. He gets ready to shoot a check azimuth on his service compass.
You still didn't pick up your helmet boy !
A locals' animal has been pressed into water carrying duties.
Training and comradeship will pull them through.
The number 2 MG gunner is lost in a stupor of thirst and fatigue,but still puts one foot in front of the other.
The long ordeal on foot comes to an end when the Brigade surprises and ambushes a British supply convoy and gets to ride in style most of the way back to friendly lines. Almost the entire group made it through and are greeted with surprise because they had been written off by the brass.
But waiting for them in Tunisia is......
Hope you enjoyed the show and on behalf of the band I hope we passed the audition,