A long overdue update. This kit has been troubled with some fit problems.
More work on the interior. Began adding the decals. It would have been nice if HB had included Spanish language markings for the Argentinian vehicle. Of note, the instructions note to add decals 26 to the rear interiors next to the exit door. These are for the South Korean version. Also, the labels for the interior are all in English. The kit comes with the radio rack but no radio detail. So the rack just appears empty. I borrowed a radio from an Academy Humvee, performed some surgery, and worked with that. You won't be able to see much of the radio.
Engine compartment walls added. This where I first really started seeing the results of some of the fit issues with the interior components. It got me a little worried about the upper hull fit on the lower hull. The side walls next to the driver's station really did not fit well and there's some overhang there.
Interior of the upper hull. Decals and such.
Top rear hatches. They went together great. I did glue the center hatch in place.
Upper hull top. Grills and some of the fittings. The hatch vision ports are clear and required some trimming to fit, then some more alterations to allow the top to sit on the lower hull.
I test fitted the upper hull and it was pretty bad. I went ahead and decided to spray a base coat of green. That way I could get them together and do whatever filling I needed. I also left off a lot of the railings, handles, and tools. I actually messed up and forgot that I had not assembled the rear ramp door. With the paint already in the airbrush, I masked off the rear and went ahead.
Tracks on.
The gap. his shot is actually after some of the trim work was performed.
After a bit more trimming, I got the gap down to a workable size. I should be able to fill the gap. This is where leaving off the railings worked out. They would have gotten in the way of the clamps and tape.
And that's where she stands. I should be able to fill that gap. I'll probably shoot a second coat of green over that and then start on the rest of the camo scheme. The fit issues have really been a wet blanket to what began as a nice build.