Well, after looking closely at all the pics I found on the internet and a couple of really good ones I had in a book at home (doh!) I decided that the visible shock absorbers (dampers) were actually covers over a tubular unit, so I made a command decision and went ahead and whipped up some tube shocks. I had a bunch of 3" ammo tubes from Academy's M10, and a few minutes with a drill, file and razor saw yielded eight shocks. Bingo. Covers will probably be "missing" from my example.
I also cleaned up the bogie units, including the surprisingly good coil springs, and mounted them, adjusting the bump stops to be at the correct angles. While I was there, I sliced about a bazillion pieces of hex rod and started on the bolt heads for the idler mounts and final drive outers. Pics:

And the Friuls from the Academy Mk2 that's now in the parts bin;

Onward next week, off to south-eastern Oklahoma for the weekend, get some "woods-time" in.