It depicts the siege of Bastogne and I call it "Nuts"
Tank is Tamiya 1:48 Sherman. Paints are Tamiya and Vallejo, with Windsor and Newton oils used for washes and highlights. A little bit of artist pastels thrown in as well. I used Archer Fine Transfers 1:48 generic dry transfers.
The wall is built with model railroad "stone" and the tree that took a shell hit is a hunk off a red cedar from my farm. The boards in the rubble are regular balsa strips and I included some fine gravel from the driveway. The snow is elmers white glue and varying amounts of baking soda for different textures.
This is really only my second or third try at a "real diorama." any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
PS. I'm sorry for the poor photo quality, I have a cheap camera!
Thanks, Hellbent