Here you go for details on type you are building:
19 CFR 78-85161 SQN Commanders Tank
- 45’s marked on the Gunners sight cover with white duct tape
- 117 Radio set antenna mounted behind the commander’s hatch area
- No barrel markings
- L/S Armour dented along the side, torn open like a can opener after run in with “jingle truck” on Highway 1.
- Amour sections taken out and repaired on L/S sections and around tool box.
- A.A. C-6 was fitted with coax type barrel and butterflies (SPADE GRIPS)
- Cam pole holders on L & R side of rear of vehicle.
- Shrapnel holes under thermal jacket, due to small arms fire mid-July.
- Fitted with tow chain for recovery of light vehicles.
19B CFR 78-85086 Battle Captain’s tank
- No barrel markings
- A.A. C-6 was fitted same as CFR 161.
- Mine Strike 25 May, L/S of tank. No hull penetrations and crew all ok.
Sent to KAF.
- Barrel switched with CFR 139, as that barrel was damaged by IED. 139’s barrel was placed on” 086” and was sliced into sections as a souvenir for SQN tank commanders.
16 CFR 78-85116 Operations Sgt Tank
- No barrel markings
- Mine roller attachments “BRA” put on in early May.
- Mine strike June fitted with rollers, no damage.
- Mine strike July 9th, hit a mine in river bed, not fitted with rollers and was damaged L/S front
Blew track and armour off, no causalities.
OP STOCK CFR 78-85111
- No barrel markings
- ACK ACK was an MG version.
- Both reflectors on back mud flaps.
- Became new 19B.
OP STOCK CFR 78-85139
- No barrel markings
- 117 Radio mount behind commanders hatch area.
- IED strike July 9th , minor damage to loaders A.A. mount, and barrel damaged.CFR 086’s barrel replaced damaged one.
- Tank had turret swap in Edmonton and has CFR’s 85152 turret on.
- Barrel re-confirmed Aug 4th.
- Power pack pulled given to C/C 19, became flower pot for a few days.
- Armour repaired with sheet metal, filled and welded.
- Thermal shroud has 072 on the R/S.
- L/S mud flap missing.
- PCM metal cover with mounts only, no bore brush bin or cable reel holder.
- No reflectors on Mud Flaps.
- Last C-2 shipped back to CANADA 2011.
11 CFR 78-85162 Troop Officers Tank
- 1 White stripe barrel marking on barrels on all troop call signs, 2 inches past fume extractor.
- No drivers tool box cover L/S
- Reflectors on both sides of mud flaps.
- R/S armour warped due to contact with jingle truck.
- 5th Aug IED strike, Howze-Madad , no injuries.
- Fume extractor dark olive green.
- PCM metal cover plain.
12 CFR 78-85134 Troop Officers Tank
- Troop barrel markings 2 white stripes, spaced every 2 inches, desert palm tree with” LSH” on all L/S back bins, Troop symbol on both side s of armour.
- ALL troop PCM covers with Bore brush & Cable bin.
- 134 re-done in white paint on back CFR under driver’s tool box.
- Troop logo sprayed onto cooling unit mid-July.
- L/S mud flap missing, mid Aug other mud flap torn off.
- R/S cam pole holder only.
- L/S armour #4 sections dented.
- 106 on L/S of thermal jacket in small #’s
- CDN flag taped underneath of barrel mid-July.
- Horse shoe wired onto front armour.
- A.A. Ground mount type with coax barrel and spade grips.
13 CFR 78-85160 Troop Officers Tank
- Troop barrel marking 3 white stripes spaced every 2 inches.
- Both front fenders dented and half only.
- L/S tool box missing cover.
- No reflectors.
- PCM cover with bore and sigs bins.
- A.A. ground mount, coax trigger with spade grips.
These would be the deployed combat versions that would fit your time frame for the build.
Author Canadian Leopard project Series